Community Proposal Development Guidelines

This post provides you with a guideline of how to write an effective proposal. While you can tailor the content of your proposal to fit your specific requirements and preferences, there is some basic information that should be included in your proposal to make it comprehensible for the other community members. The better your proposal is written, the higher chance it will have

Background and motivation: Briefly discuss the background information of the proposal and the motivation behind writing your proposal. This will give the reader contextual information of the proposal.

Objective: A summary of what the proposal hopes to achieve

Sub-categories: When creating a proposal, please also make sure to put the proposal under the correct sub-category. The full list of sub-categories are as follow:

  • New Product and Feature Suggestions
  • Partnership and Integration
  • Protocol Parameter Adjustments
  • Strategic Initiatives (Utilization of POL)
  • Others

Proposal Details: Include information about how your proposal would be carried out and its impact on the protocol. Where relevant, include

  • Quantitative analysis - e.g., impact on the protocol fees, etc.
  • Timeline, milestones and deadline
  • Supporting data points
  • Resources required
  • Key stakeholders
  • Risks